Introducing our brand-new community recipe book full of delicious recipes contributed by residents and community groups in and around the Grahame Park estate.

This book was conceived to….
…showcase the recipes that have been shared in our community cookery classes held at Grahame Park over the last 5 years.
Our classes bring the community together and teach residents how to cook simple, healthy and low-cost recipes from a variety of cuisines. They are free, and fully inclusive for the local community. They provide an opportunity for residents to foster new friendships and make new connections helping to alleviate social isolation.
Once the dishes are cooked the residents (from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds and cultures) sit around a table to enjoy and share their dishes, whilst interacting and sharing their cultural customs. To encourage a sense of ownership, residents help shape the classes according to their needs, desires and through sharing their cultural recipes. Participants can take left-overs home and are invited to take spare ingredients, thereby encouraging more cooking at home helping to increase their cooking confidence.
The recipes in this book represent the diverse community of Grahame Park and include dishes from all over the world. Residents of the estate, students from local schools and community groups based on the estate were invited to submit their recipes. We then ran a specific set of sessions for residents to cook their recipes to be included in the book with a professional photographer to really showcase each dish. At the end of each cooking class, everyone had the chance to sit down together and enjoy all the meals cooked that day and celebrate their contributions.
This book has been funded by Notting Hill Genesis.
To continue the legacy of this book we’re able to run more classes thanks to funding from Edgware Town Centre Community Fund.