

Healthy Eating Lifestyle Programme

Delivered as an 8 week course in schools and as a 1/2 day parent workshop

The aim of this course is to empower children and adults with healthier lifestyle knowledge. In our fast paced modern lifestyles of convenience many people have lost touch with the simple art of preparing homemade food. Consequently lots of people have lost touch with raw ingredients and don’t fully know the true contents of what they are eating. In a country experiencing increased levels of obesity and food related illnesses such as diabetes we focus on topics to help guide individuals to make healthier decisions for themselves and their families.

Helping families

lead healthier lifestyles

through more

informed choices

Course Overview

Each week we create exciting learning experiences whilst covering a variety of topics. Learning about food means seeing it, touching it, smelling it and tasting it. We always bring food into the classroom and provide tasters and we get the classroom cooking too. We consolidate learning at the end of the course and we’re always impressed with the top tip posters the children create to share with other pupils or to present in assembly.

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Learn how to keep to the maximum recommendation of 6 teaspoons a day
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Portion Sizes
It's not just what we eat, but also how much is important
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What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat and can fat be good for us?
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Food Labels
We teach 'common sense' food knowledge to make food labelling redundant
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Food Provenance
Getting pupils back in touch with nature and truly understanding the origins of our food
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Teaching the benefits of eating with the seasons and discussing modern day approaches to farming
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Healthy v's Unhealthy Food
Discussing what is good for us and what isn't and why that is...
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What is a wholegrain, what foods are wholegrain and why we should eat more
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Everyone's favourite session - the classroom turned into a kitchen and a meal enjoyed together at the end


Over the 4 years that we have taught H.E.L.P we are proud to see the impact it has created. Learning doesn’t stop in the classroom as the pupils engage their pester power to influence change at home. Armed with a recipe at the end of the course its always so encouraging when pupils say they have repeated recipes at home. There isn’t a child we have taught that doesn’t know how to make home made chicken nuggets!

Tried new food/dish
Increased confidence
Repeated a recipe at home
Learnt something new
Enjoyed the course
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